A Night Off

Every Mom should have a night off, once in a while.

Preferably at a distance from her family.

One that cannot be bridged in 10 minutes. A distance that is simply too far to allow one to run back and tend to a wee face.

I didn’t realize how much I needed a night off until the end of a recent mini-vacation with my husband and three year old. They are wonderful and I love them both to death but I needed to have one dinner where I wasn’t wiping up, offering toys, giving up my iPhone for movies or otherwise ‘tending’ to someone other than myself.

I needed to have one night where I could go to sleep without checking on any one.

I needed to have one night that didn’t include a grape flavoured bubble bath.

I needed to have a conversation for more than 2 minutes where the words Toopy, Binoo or Caillou did NOT figure into it.

I needed to finish an entire dinner and have an entire conversation, with wine, with an adult. That wasn’t my husband.

So at the end of our trip, my husband went home with our daughter and I went to my Mom’s house. I missed my usual hugs and kisses desperately but it was worth it. I went home relaxed. Only to find that a pot of spaghetti sauce had exploded all over my stove. Well, it had a little help from husband, but that’s another blog post.

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